Some Olympians soar to new heights, winning medals and setting new records.
Some Olympians fall right out of the gates and never recover.
Methinks this Winter Olympics I may be in the second camp.
Have I picked up the spinning since the start of the games? Nope.
Have I knitted on the sweater since the start of the games? Nope.
Have I knitted? Yes! Just not on the sweater. I'm 90% of the way through a really cool and slightly crazy pair of slippers for the Little Rogue. They fit, they're bright, they're an out of my brain modification of a store-bought pair with the help of Cat Bordhi, and kiddo thinks they're fun. Two rounds of crochet and I'll be posting them on Ravelry. Even though I truly suck at crochet.
This evening, while waiting through dance class, I started another 2-row scarf. They just make such amazingly simple travel/waiting knitting. And I had the wonderful fun of explaining to a just-turned 3 year old what it was that I was doing, how it worked, and what color I was going to use next. Her mother thought that it was very cool, since the little one is apparently fascinated with tiny hand movements. I got the little one to understand the concept of 3+3=6, which her mother thought was even better.
Over the time that I've been knitting, I've had a many small children come to me, wherever I've been, and ask what I'm doing. I usually just say what I'm making - "I'm knitting a scarf." Most children are satisfied with that. I take great joy in the ones that are more curious. The one who ask questions - "What is knitting?" "Is it done yet?" "What are those you're using?" Or the ones who just stand there and watch. It's so fun to see their brains work, processing new information and tucking it away somewhere for future reference.
So, while I may not be fulfilling my Olympic dreams this year, I think I may have found again some of the joy in knitting and some of the joy in teaching. Competition isn't always about winning, since there can be only one. Competition and challenge are also about learning, growing, expanding knowledge, and gaining confidence. While I may not win the gold this year for completing my Olympic goals, I think that I will be moving forward.
And that, after all, is what life is about.
It’s like a Cher song
4 weeks ago
1 comment:
Great post. I also love it when the little ones are interested!!
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